RTD News and Updates

Sunday's service changes will increase bus and rail frequencies and add more than 200 weekday revenue service hours
The Regional Transportation District is excited to announce that service changes taking effect on Sunday, Jan. 19, will add more than 200 weekday bus and rail revenue service hours.
Other notable changes include increased frequencies on the E and H lines, service increases on 15 bus routes across the Denver metro area, the reinstatement of the AB2 route between Boulder and Denver International Airport, and a new Art District Connector bus route. RTD is able to increase its bus and rail services due to significant progress made over the past year in hiring frontline positions.
RTD’s service changes take place three times a year, and the agency goes to great lengths to seek feedback from its customers and community stakeholders. Sunday’s changes take into account input received through online comments, as well as in-person and virtual meetings held last fall.
For a complete look at the changes going into effect on Sunday, visit the Service Changes webpage or the agency’s news release on News Stop. Your help in spreading this information in your communities would also be greatly appreciated. Included with this email is a sample social media post, and additional graphics and photos are available online.
Thank you for being a partner and supporting the agency’s mission to make lives better through connections.

The Regional Transportation District (RTD) was created in 1969 by the Colorado General Assembly to develop, operate and maintain a mass transportation system that now benefits more than 3.1 million people in the Denver metro area. With a service area of 2,345 square miles, RTD provides transit services in all or part of eight counties and more than 40 municipalities. The transportation agency's services are delivered via 126 bus routes, six light rail lines, four commuter rail lines, and paratransit mobility options.
For more information, visit rtd-denver.com/news-stop or call 303.299.6000.
Presentation made by RTD to Wash Park East on November 12, 2024 Click Here
Preventative Maintenance and Slow Zones –https://www.rtd-denver.com/light-rail-maintenance-and-repairs
2025 Budget – https://www.rtd-denver.com/budget
Live-Look in Technology on Light Rail and Bus Vehicles – Live look-in system in place on all RTD buses | RTD-Denver