WPENA is a registered neighborhood group made up of a volunteer Board of Directors and Committees who gather together to research, review, and educate residents about issues that affect our neighborhood.
The Washington Park East Neighborhood Association (WPENA) is an officially registered neighborhood association with the City and County of Denver for residents residing on the east side of Washington Park.
With approximately 3,400 households within the WPENA boundaries, membership is conferred on the basis of residing, owning, or operating a business within the neighborhood.
Mark Williams
Lance Musselman
Jennifer Fackler
William Tracy
Tim McHugh
Past President
Jody Debs
Leslie Beck
The WPENA Board meets on the 2nd Tuesday four times per year. Details of meeting schedule are housed on our website https://www.wpena.org/meeting-schedule via Zoom. Watch the latest meeting on our YouTube Channel or take a look at past meeting minutes in our Archive.
WPENA Committees are groups of board members and volunteers that gather together to research, review, and educate residents about issues that affect our neighborhood.
The ultimate success of our organization is based on local volunteers and supporters like YOU! Express your interest in joining a WPENA committee by applying online below.
Join a Committee