February 18, 2025

Denver Police Dept District 3 News/Updates

PLEASE VOTE for Denver Police District 3 OFFICER OF THE MONTH! 


Officer of the Month Nominations are chosen by review of daily, weekly and monthly District 3Command staff notes, highlighting significant officer interactions on calls for service.  During these reviews, and unsolicited, command staff make note of exceptional police work.  At the end of each month command staff decides to select three officer interactions they feel are most worthy of positive recognition. These are the 3 nominations you see each month, being nominated for officer of the month.

All DPD District 3 community members are encouraged to vote! One vote per household please. To vote, reply to this email (christie.mochoruk@denvergov.org) with "Nomination 1" or "Nomination2" or "Nomination 3".  Please vote for only ONE nomination.  All votes must be received by February 27, 2025 - Thank you for participating! 


Nomination 1: Officer Davis

Officer Davis responded to a suicidal party call in the area of the 9000 block E Girard Ave. Prior to arrival the call taker determined that the juvenile female had attempted suicide by means of strangulation.  The young juvenile changed her mind and called 911. The call taker was able to ascertain she was suffocating and requested EMS to respond. Officer Shannon Davis was the first one on scene and was heard by the call taker (still on the line with the juvenile female) and described his actions as “sweet and kind” to the girl. Officer Davis was reassuring and empathetic to the juvenile advising her that she will be OK and rendered aid to her until paramedics arrived.  The call taker was grateful for how Officer Davis responded and advised that his empathetic demeanor helped not only the juvenile but her through difficult call.


Nomination 2: Officer Prell and Officer Escalante

Ofc Prell and Ofc Escalante conducted a Class 2*** Subject stop at W Alameda Ave / S Cherokee St. Officers contacted the listed suspect as he matched the description of a suspect involved in a shoplifting from the Walgreens located at 120 N Broadway. Officers contacted the suspect and immediately observed a burnt glass pipe, lighter and burnt foil in his hand. Officers took the suspect into custody and placed him under arrest for Drug paraphernalia. The suspect was issued an Order-In Citation and was released from the scene.

*** A class two action is nota call for service. These are self-initiated actions made by the officer, whether that is conducting extra patrol, driving around conducting trafficstops or subject contacts.  


Nomination 3: Corporal Gorham and Recruit Johnson 

Cpl. Gorham / Rec Ofc. Johnson were conducting proactive traffic control in the area when they observed a red Jeep commit a traffic infraction.  Officers conducted a traffic stop and contacted the driver.  Officers observed drug paraphernalia on the driver’s person and where he was sitting inside the vehicle.  The driver was placed into custody.  A search Incident to arrest was conducted and Officers located a stolen firearm within reach of the suspect.   Officers located a bag containing suspected narcotics and credit cards.  The suspect was transported to the DDC for processing.  The vehicle was impounded with a hold.


Wednesday, February 19th from 6 PM to 7 PM– Neighborhood Watch Action and Awareness Training at DPD District 3 Station 1625 S University Blvd. DPD’s District 3 Neighborhood Watch program offers a partnership between officers and the community members they serve. Officers promote neighborhood connectivity by encouraging neighbors to get to know one another, reporting suspicious behavior to the police, and by creating awareness through Implicit Bias education - reminding neighbors - it's the person's behavior, not the person to be mindful of when observing and reporting suspicious behavior to the Police. Please RSVP.


Wednesday, February 19th from 10 AM to Noon Coffee with the Cops @ Nixon’s Coffee House 695 W Louisiana Ave. (Our monthly reoccurring Coffee with the Cops event has been moved to the 3rdWednesday of every month)


Denver Police District 3January Newsletter – CLICK HERE


PDF’s from DPD District 3Community Meetings with Commander Bell:

January 2025

December 2024

November 2024

Neighborhood Watch community members, due to an increase certain types of crime in District3, we are asking for your help to message your neighbors the following:

  1. Do not leave firearms in vehicles unattended.
  2. Officers in southeast Denver have seen a recent increase in auto theft from vehicles being left running unattended, i.e. puffing. Neighbors are reminded that there are several risks to being a puffer, including auto theft. Stay with your vehicle while it warms up and join us in our efforts to curb crimes of opportunity.
  4. To curb road rage incidents, the Denver Police Department offers the following tips:

•Drive respectfully and calmly while following the rules of the road • Use turn signals and allow vehicles to merge• Acknowledge kind behaviors of other drivers with a wave or polite gesture• Refrain from responding to aggressive drivers with offensive gestures or other aggressive behaviors, and avoid eye contact• Travel to a safe place away from an aggressive driver, such as exiting the highway or driving to a police station• If the driver themself is experiencing anger, try to remain calm and if needed, pull over until the anger subsides• Call 911 to report dangerous and/or illegal behaviors 

DPD Instructors To Host Six Self Defense Classes in 2025Classes fill quickly when registration opens. Go to DPD’s Self Defense information page (click on the Safety Education Tab). If you would like to be added to be notified when class registration opens use this link email notification list. 

Information about recently registered Sexually Violent Predators can be found on the Denver Police Department’s YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/DenverPoliceDeptMost recent District 3Sexually Violent Predators:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gfVEaFqX9Vg&t=237shttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J9bw8Sirk68https://youtu.be/k35DNyBy9Jc?t=237

For more information regarding sex offenders:


 **NEW** Denver Open Data Catalog -Discover free public data, tools, and resources.

Video tutorial: https://youtu.be/lD2Yh9GbQek

Website: https://opendata-geospatialdenver.hub.arcgis.com/ 

For Emergencies CALL911

For Non-Emergency Police Response CALL 720-913-2000

For non-urgent questions, comments or to connect with our DPD District 3 Community Resource Officers email: Technician Young – kate.young@denvergov.org,      Technician Pacheco – antonio.pacheco@denvergov.org, Officer Fuentes – manuel.fuentes@denvergov.org, Officer John Silva – john.silva@denvergov.org

The Denver Police District 3 Station is located at1625 S University Blvd

Wednesday, February 5th at 6pm Community Meeting with Commander Bell (CAB)

 at the District 3 Station 1625 S. University Blvd. Everyone is welcome and encouraged to participate! Community Resource Officers are available at 5pm to answer your questions prior to the meeting. Hosted by Commander Bell and our DPD District 3 Law Enforcement Leadership (CAB).  Learn about crime stats and trends that affect our local neighborhoods.  Questions and comments can be asked at the end of this meeting.



For Emergencies CALL 911   

For Non-Emergency Police Response CALL 720-913-2000   

For non-urgent questions, comments or to connect with our DPD District 3 Community Resource Officers email:   

Technician Borquez – mike.borquez@denvergov.org   

Technician Young – kate.young@denvergov.org   

Officer Grimsley – matthew.grimsley@denvergov.org 

Officer Pacheco – antonio.pacheco@denvergov.org   

The Denver Police District 3 Station is located at 1625 S. University Blvd