Belcaro Plaza Redevelopment Survey
This is information from the Belcaro Park RNO

The developer Kentro Group and the City of Denver introduced their plans to redevelop Belcaro Plaza last November. As some background, Kentro is building a new King Soopers for Kroger, and the Belcaro Plaza King Soopers will go away and the site redeveloped.
At the November meeting, Kentro introduced several ideas for redeveloping the site ranging from 12-16 stories of residential and commercial to possibly leaving itall commercial. Neither the plans nor the timing are set yet. The developer is still exploring options and neighbors have a chance to weigh in. But we feel there’s an overwhelming preference by both the City and the developer to build 12-16 stories of residential with some commercial.
Inmid-January, the board of BPHA and members of the Stokes Place neighborhood are meeting with Councilman Paul Kashman, City of Denver staff, and the developer Kentro Group to hear their current proposals for Belcaro Plaza. Ahead of this meeting, BPHA asks you to complete this survey to ensure we address our communities' concerns. Feel free to share this survey on your social media and with other contacts who may be affected by there development.
You can also email back your specific concerns to Jeff Mauck<> or myself. We will collect them to present to the developer and the City of Denver. Also if you want the background information that has been shared since the November meeting — please ask for it and either Jeff or I will email it toyou.
Also attached is a link to Kentro’s November PowerPoint presentation.
Pease fill out the survey
Belcaro Park Homeowners Association